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Charli Binns


Charli qualified form St George's University in London in 2017 and has since specialised in Neurology, more specifically Neuro rehab. Charli has worked in specialist neuro rehabilitation units across London and Bristol, most recently working at Frenchay Brain Injury Unit. She is currently pursuing a career within private healthcare. 

Charli has extensive experience in both brain and spinal cord injury, alongside other progressive neurological conditions. She has experience working in all aspects of the patient pathway, from hyper acute to long term community rehab, and has a particular interest in disability management and optimisation. Charli has developed specialist assessment and treatment skills and is passionate about focussing on improving client independence.  

Charli has completed multiple post graduate courses, including complex posture and seating, splinting and functional electrical stimulation (FES) training. She has a special interest in spasticity management, and completed her Botulinum Toxin injection course in February 2024. She has since been using ultrasound to administer toxin for those with complex pain and spasticity.

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