London - 0208 0641551
Bath & Bristol - 01225 962004
Bex Walters
Bex qualified in 2012 and has worked in three large teaching hospitals within London. She currently works at the National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery (NHNN).
Whilst at NHNN she has developed expert skills in the assessment and rehabilitation of individuals following stroke, neuro-surgery, progressive neurological disorders and peripheral nervous diseases. She currently works as the primary physiotherapist within the cerebral palsy service at NHNN and has taught online courses for the physical management of cerebral palsy.
She has extensive knowledge in the management of spasticity and rehabilitation post botulinum toxin injections and is the physiotherapy lead in weekly NHS spasticity clinics. She is trained in the use of functional electronic stimulation (FES) to facilitate walking and improve arm function. She has completed courses in facial rehabilitation, the PD warrior course, upper and lower limb splinting, ‘explain pain’ and the three week Bobath course.
Her aim is to empower and motivate clients to improve their function, quality of life and achieve their goals.